My great inspiration

Hello everyone, first for all thanks for support my previous post, in special to @macoolette and @bengy because i feel without them this had not possible.

I'm so excited for posting this, because i talk about one person to i love so much, and she always supported me in the dark and i had not idea of she and I look alike in much aspect. Ok here we go.

Find ourselves can be the homework most difficult of our lives, and even if we pass years of experience on our lives sometimes we can't find one purpose clearly. But, you know, the important in this is to not give up. I remember one experience of one friend of my brother. I was in the bus to came back home and he were in the same bus that me, and he were talks with some persons about him life, him life is complicated and hard because since he were a child he works in the street. Life to him is not easy, and he past many precarian situations to the long of him life. Anyway, he said something’s what is not well, he said:

I'm an apple rotten in this life, and I haven't chance to change it. It's so late to change that.

When he said that, I thought:

Fool, you can change your life, just never give up, because if you give up be the end.

I feel silly because I could not tell him he would never give up but you know, he seems to have surrendered a long time ago.

When i came back to my home i thought in him words and i said myself:

What is my purpose in the life?

And who is the person who inspires me?

I was in my bed with these thoughts and I could not sleep, I had goals in that moment but for one reason i was not secure those goals, and now i can understand why i was not secure of that.

After a while I had an attack of depression than I don't remember why i had it, and in that moment i was doubt about my goals and about i wanted for my life. And so the questions returned to me again but one more question joined to the others:

Am i sure that what i am doing what i really like?

Before continue: In that moment i was making few some things what i did not want really, i was making simply for pleasing some people.

And so I started to search answers inside me. The first question I asked myself was:

What do I really like?

For answer these question I decided search in my past, because I felt there I would found some things there. Well, I found four things to inspired me when i was a child:

  1. I loved to sing. really i don't remember when i started to sing i was very small when i started and I forgot it. I just remember when my grandmother put the microphone on the stereo and i sang for hours without tired me. You know, that memories come back to my mind and now i question me, did i really sang good in that time? Jajajajaja. I think I'll never know.

I let of sing when i was 12 years old because i started to listen heavy metal and i was trying to imitated that voices of singers and i broken my voice for a while and after a while i recover it without i knew. I don’t knew it until i start my reflexion about i wanted.

2.I loved to cook: I started to cook when i was 7 years old and the first thing to i cooked was ones arepas (The arepas is typical dish of Venezuela, her composition is flour of corn) and the arepas had to be circular but mines was rectangular and with forms jajajajaja. After a while with a bit practice i started to make them with circular form, and after i started to make other saucers like the pasta with meat or the rice with chicken and many others saucers.

The most fun was decorating the saucers creatively in that moment; i remember what i did always make different things to decorate them.

Actually, i still like cook but I don't want to do it because with this situation here i can't prepare good things like in that time of my life when i was a child. When i'll leave this country i want to make courses of cook, and return to prepare amazing saucers.

3.I loved dance: the unique to i remember to this, it's when i danced songs of shakira like the waka waka, Lalala, hips don't lie, torture and other songs of this amazing singer and dancer, I remember too i loved Arabian dance, because when I listened one Arab song i wanted to dance it even when i don’t knew how dance it.

I remember that I also loved to dance drums, songs like:

Samba do Brasil

Samba do brazil
Hear here


Batucada percussion

Sin título.png
Hear here

And too the song of:

Leo Leo le (urban drums)

Sin título.png
Hear here

You know, my mother never inscribed me in academy dance, and now i'm so sad for that, because i think to i would have been a great dancer and now i would have an art career of dance; the same passed with the sang and i was never to one academy.

4.I love doing acrobatics and parkour: yeah, i was a strong child jajajajaja when i ended my homeworks, i was trying making acrobatics like walk with my hands, the star or balancing on a wooden board. Apart of that i was good climbing trees, or walls, and i climbed to the roof of my house very easily like a monkey.

My second mother said me to the reason why i can make that things is because i born with hyper-mobility and i have more flexibility than other persons. When she said me that I thought:

¡Great! I am the elastic man jajajajaja.

And again my mother never inscribed me in one gymnastics academy, and I feel she wasted my talent.

Well, when I found this in my memories, I was so happy because I had to advance a lot in a few days.

Important: In that days I taked notes about i thought for do not forget it and do not lose my progress. I can say to It was the best thing I could do.

After to search in my past, i decided to search in my present of that moment and i found to:

5.I like modeling: I remember to I participated in one casting online of my city, but i could not continue because the second phase of casting was in real life, and i could not pay it. But it was so fun because when i find out to the casting on night i taked ones white drapes of my home and i did make one mini studio of photography, and after i taked some photos and i send to the agency of models.


<This is not photo of casting, but it's a good reference :D>

6.I like so much the makeup: always i see good makeup in one face i thinking:

Really i want make that, it's so beautiful and perfect.

Or when i see in movies the makeups of aliens or supernaturals creatures i thinking with grand emotion:

The artist behind of that makeup is very good, i would like can make that.

I did like always the makeup and when I finally had internet, I started looking for makeup tutorials and even did a course on that.

Once when i was 11 years old i tried makeup me but my mom said me to that is no good because I’m a boy not a girl and i stopped doing it.

7.I'm good to talking and exposing: previously I had read about: How to expose correctly in public, and the psychology of language, with a lot of practice I became good at the subject and talking to people, and once I was doing a course on environmental guides and I had to expose some of the topics of the course and I explained them in a very good way, according to the teachers. That motivate me to following learn about the subject.

8.I have talent to learn languages: for me was strange when i discover this, because my English was disaster in my first year on high school, and in my second year my English was excellent. i had one of best qualifications between my companions, and in same year my mother could buy one computer and i started to learn Japanese on YouTube because i wanted to look anime without subtitles, it was fool idea because i still look anime with subtitles, but in 3 weeks i already knew the basic syllabary, introduce myself in that language, and some kanjis, apart i interest the cultural of Japan. Then of some months i stopped learn Japanese and i started to learn programation language and how to make web page, this was no easy to understand but i learn some one. And after a while i was sluggish with the languages i was learning and l missed the practice with that. But i can recover it, I know it.

And so i discovered other talents and passions inside me to i was ignoring completely. When i ended the list i thought:

Ohhhh _çsd what happen with me I have to many things to make...

With this i was prepare to next question.

What is my great inspiration?

In that moment i thought in my first job interview because they motivated me and gives me some models to following, like Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates. But i had to find the reason why i like all those things, and so i decided to see some family photos, because something told me that I would find the answer there. Apart i have a theory about hereditary character.

I discovered to my grandmother is my great inspiration, and then of see some photos. I discovered to when she was young she was model, she was a singer, she played the guitar and she had much talents. When i was a child and i was going to her home she always make everything, she cooked, she cleared the home, she sewed tablecloths or make clothes, she painted pictures and paint pottery, anyway she was amazing and i growed up seeing that. I believe to I have inherit somethings of her, and i so happy for that.

Let me introduce yourself to my grandmother and her art:

Some pictures when she was model

I need restore this beautiful box


When she graduate of auxiliary medical records


She in models academy


Her art

Three paintings hand painted by her:




You know, I think in her and think I did not knew how to share with her, and i know to she could show me more things to learn, but with her disease i did not knew how enjoy the moments with her.

So, i was ready for ultimate question.

What is my purpose in this life?

If you want know the true, the true is i don't know, i still young like for know it. The unique that i know is i continue making the things that i like.

In a moment time i decided looked classes of sing on YouTube and that help me a lot, because i recovered my voice, and return to practice dance and makeup.

Now i want invite you to make the things that like to you and fight for your dreams, we can start with small things until to come one moment the small things sum some big.

Thanks for your time, and comment your opinion or some words about part of story likes you

Bye Bye ♥♥♥

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