In the Eyes of a Child


They can amuse us with their wit, annoy us to death, and all other things in between. These past years, I have learned that we should not take children's intelligence for granted -- do not underestimate them.

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Last night, my son, 8 years suddenly blurted, "Mommy, using your mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. You can cause an accident and you may hurt other people when you drive while using the mobile".

He even went ahead describing the "could-have-beens" should the unfortunate happens.

Ahmmm, too much tv?!

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What?! Where did that come from?

Well, I am sure that he is not referring to me, because first and foremost, I was not driving at that time. 

What I am sure though, is that, we as adults need to step up our game and ensure that we are setting these children of the future the best example we can ever give.

Not because they are children, we will shrug it off and think they do not understand.

Or we can say that because they are children, we have to pay more particular attention on how we put things across to them.

Practice what you preach.

Do not take children for granted. They are smart.

Really smart.

There are many ways when we can prove to be great examples to children. Driving is just one of them.

So I will leave you with this short ad campaign I found on Youtube:

What you do next is up to you.


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