Lovely People Made My Supposed Simple Birthday Very Special

Tonight I shall end the first day of my brand new year in existence with a big and grateful heart.

I did not realize until a few days back when my eldest son reminded that it was already going to be my birthday. These days, the pages of the calendar just fall and tear without me even noticing the days and dates. Life had been pretty fast paced and I just desperately try to hang on at most times. I drag myself everyday on a routine I could almost do with my eyes closed.

So I had nothing planned for today. I thought I would just order some food for my colleagues at the office and call it a day. Besides, I had been feeling crappy- even woke up this morning feeling homesick... I miss my parents so much. They said they also cooked some treats for my birthday. ❤

The birthday greetings.

As early as yesterday, people had already been greeting me. Kuya even sang me a birthday song already when he woke up (he thought it was already the 9th). Then people greeting me on chats. I jokingly told them that they had to do it all over again today. 😆

Thanks to the great social media notifications, my friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances were prompted to greet me most of the day today. Some genuinely remembered... that was touching. My phone alerts lighted incessantly, calls were almost nonstop especially in the morning which had to make me charge it twice by afternoon.

Look! Promo code with my name! Ain't that cool?!

Werk! Werk! Werk!

It was craaaazzzyy!!! I am so sorry I was not able to respond to those who left me birthday wishes on my f a c e b o o k wall. I just could not afford it with the limited time I had. So i thought I'd just record my big thanks here at the steem blockchain before I go to sleep then share the link there. 😍

Sweet surprise from my girls at the office. Funny how I busted the surprise cake, just because I decided to wash my mug. Anyhow, these girls made my morning.

Our DP for our whatsapp group. Nope, we don't love to eat.

The Weekdays Gang had been one of the constants in my crazy life here abroad. We have great laughs each time we're together. Lunch time could stretch to almost dinner time and we would not notice where the time had gone. So birthday lunch was with them.

It was food the whole day, but I could of course not miss dine out with my precious family. They are the ones who keep me going and I am thankful to God for each day I have with them.

Age is But a Number

That's what they always say... I always joke that I stopped aging when I reached 25. But come to think of it, these years that have passed by and the numbers that add to my age at each birthday are also signs of wisdom and learning. I can no longer suppress the appearance of grey hair and fine lines are also visible on my skin. However, that does not bother me much. It has to happen. What's important is that we age in style and we stock up on life's lessons and become inspiration and great influence to others.


I have lots to be thankful for, it makes my heart swell. As I said, Life is tough, but I am tougher. I look forward to many more happy and fruitful years in my life. I cannot wait to see what the Lord has got in store for me.

Thank you for the awesome day!

Much love,

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