Nifty or Thrifty: What Kind of a Mommy are You? - Part 2

This is the second installment to my Nifty or Thifty series. If you missed the first one, you can find it here.

♥.•:¨ Today I bring you, mommy hack. Solution to the monthly kids salon trip   ¨:•.♥

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Let me introduce you to my friend who has been with me for almost a year now.

While a haircut in the Philippines only costs around $1, here in UAE it costs me $10. Given that my son's school has prescribed haircut inspection every month, we were just but compelled to oblige. That means a trip to the kids salon once a month. That is $120 in a year. Not too much, you would say. But now that I have 2 sons, you need to double that up. Expenses are growing, but the income does not (not too long, God-willing. Thank you steemit!) so I feel I need to cut costs. Not to mention the time that we need to spend while waiting in the queue.

So yeah, one day I realized I'll just do it myself. This is where you will really find yourself thanking the heavens for the creation of Youtube! There are lots of tutorials that could be found in there and man, are they helpful! You  may want to check one out here

Amazing also how a child would trust his mom (or dad) with just about everything in his/her life. While giving him a cut he would just ask, "So Mommy, do I look handsome?"

I would reply, "Of course Anak (my child), of course". Then I will be rewarded with the sweetest smile and a hug.

Oh how I wish these moments will last forever!

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