My Life's Journey - How I had the best dream ever and almost burned down the kitchen day? lol


I woke up this morning and I attended my morning routines. The usual stuff.I washed my teeth, 1-hour meditation session, made myself my morning veggie, fruit, and seeds shake, responded to comments on Steemit, and went for my first of two basketball practices on this Thursday. I came back home at 1 pm and prepared myself a mushroom risotto lunch which was delicious by the way. And, sometimes when I feel the need to take some extra rest before the afternoon practice which is about 3-4 hours from that point, I take a power nap.


Just relaxing 40-60 min nap to reboot my systems and clean my "engines" a bit. Usually, I don't let myself go into a deep sleep mode because when I wake up, I am very sluggish and without energy. So what I always do is set up my alarm to wake me up. So I don't oversleep. But, this time for some reason I choose to ignore the alarm. When it sounded off, I quickly snoozed it and kept on sleeping.

The reason why I kept on sleeping was that I was having the best dream ever. And, I kid you not guys, I truly believe I was there. It was one REAL dream. I was on the beach in Croatia, listening to the sounds of the ocean, and feeling the calming sensation of the Adriatic sea breeze. If you don't know by now I am a big fan of the sea or the ocean. Someday I will have a house right next to the ocean or the sea. But let's get back to my dream.


So there I am enjoying the gifts of the ocean and beach, while suddenly I started smelling something good. Like somebody was cooking something on the beach and it smelled delicious. My thoughts were, hey why not? The amazing sea, beautiful beach, and food. Bring it on. Can this DREAM get any better? Well, maybe yes with a beautiful lady next to me, but let's keep it "REAL" guys. Enough is enough. Let's not get too greedy here. lol

The first time I heard the smell it was delicious. Man whatever that was, I wanted it. But strangely in my dream, there was no one around me. Just me, ocean, and the beach. So where did the smell come from? I decided to ignore it for a while. But, soon the smell had a bit of a burning smell to it. Not even close to a pleasant smell from before. I was thinking hey whoever is cooking you better go and check on your food before you burn it. And, I continued with my dream, the sea hitting the rocks, the sun started to come down creating amazing and beautiful scenery in front of my eyes. I didn't want to wake from this DREAM.

But, soon the smell became so strong I could not ignore it more. Whoever was cooking burned that dish to a crisp, and was about to burn down the kitchen with it. And, then REALITY hit me, guys. The idiot who was cooking was me!!!! Last night before I went to sleep I left chickpeas for soaking and decided to cook them after my lunch today and eat them for dinner.Do you see where I am going with this? lol

After the lunch, I drained the chickpeas and put a lot of water in the pot, and I left them to cook while I take my nap. If you don't know chickpeas take a long time to cook. About 70min. The alarm I set was for the timing of when the chickpeas to be done. The alarm I snoozed off left the chickpeas cooking for additional 30 minutes, in which water evaporated and started to burn the chickpeas and the pot.


So when I finally snapped from my dream, I raced to the kitchen. I think I have not ran so fast on the basketball court jet, as I did on Thursday. Once I opened my room door the whole living room was covered with white smoke. I mean thick fog kind of smoke. lol I went straight to the kitchen were smoke was even ticker. Took off the pot from the stow. The bottom of the pot was completely burned and the chickpeas that were on the bottom were burned to a crisp. lol

I started laughing so hard when I saw the pot and the white cloud of smoke behind me. Laughing at the crazy Croatian I am. lol I was happy the kitchen did not go up in flames of course. But, I thought to myself, you idiot and your stupid beach in Croatia almost burned the kitchen and entire apartment complex in Italy. I can already see the newspaper title:

The front page of the newspaper plastered with it. Extra, extra - read all about it. lol

---- "Crazy Croatian basketball player burned the building down attempting to cook chickpeas." ---

Guys, I was so lucky. I could have literally burned the kitchen and the entire apartment complex here in Italy from it. Somebody out there is definitely looking after me. No doubt in my mind. But, whoever it is please wake me up sooner next time. lol So here are my chickpeas after I rinsed them. Not all of them burned, but of course, the ones close to the bottom burned all the way.


For my punishment, I decided I am going to eat not burned ones and half-burned ones. lol I made a "great" burned chickpeas, veggies(tomatoes, onions, avocado, salad, black olives) and salad bowl. lol It actually was not too bad. As I put a lot of vinegar, spices, and olive oil in it. So it covered up the burned taste a bit. But, I believe a very well deserved punishment don't you think?

This was one close call. And, I am laughing about it now as so are the teammates I am living with. As they smelled it as well while they rested. But, this could have gone a whole different way no doubt. So my advice to you my amazing Steemians is if in your perfect dream you start smelling weird burning smoke, please check you didn't leave chickpeas cooking on the stow. lol

Thank you for reading, I hope my " cooking expertize" story brought a smile on your face, have an amazing day, much love,



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