Midnight Musings


I've heard 2018 will the be a year for Service to Humanity, one that will require us to walk the talk.

4 Days in and I'm already seeing it all around me, people being called to service and walk their talks - myself included.

I can only speak for myself.

It's been challenging. I can only ever control myself and have always had a high respect for other people's free will.

What they say or do is what THEY say or do.
What I say or do is what I say or do.

This is free will.

Our choices are one of those thing we truly own.

For my part, I can only say how I feel and what I think. Sure I'm not the most delicate of creatures, but you can bet your ass you know where you stand with me.

I used to be a delicate flower until life shat on me and I figured out to match up what people say to what they do to see if they're legit or not.

Is this good? Is this bad?

A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B?

No matter what, I watch and observe and I wait, and even then I am positive they are better than they believe they are.

Yo. I defended bloody zeartul to people thinking he had a heart. Don't tell me I don't trust people.

Some days I wonder what my Steemit career would be like had I not designed the @TeamAustralia logo and just wrote about spirituality.

Maybe I'd feel more spiritual most days?

I imagine it to be a quieter life. Certainly no politics or dramas. Probably not progressing as well because I didn't get involved in the community.

Would I take the quieter, less troublesome route? I have grown 4 grey hairs since July...

I wonder that more often than I care to admit but then I always come back to this...

My dream.
My life long dream is to change the world.

I never bought in on the whole "one person can't change the world" thing.

I believe all it takes is one person to galvanize change because we are all connected and we touch each other's lives.

That's why everything changed so quickly once the internet spread across the planet. It was at that moment that we as individuals, outside of any institutions, could exchange information with each other directly.

On Steemit we have that and more. We have, at our fingertips, the amazing ability to fundraise at a click of a button. No other platform can be of world service like we can and I intend to harness that ability to fulfill my dream.

Back in the day, I'd grid the streets with orgonites, I've give away pieces, do letter box drop of presents to neighbors for Christmas, donate to charity, signed all the petitions ~ I tried to do my bit, as little as it was, I couldn't not do anything, not when I could do something.

That is why I keep coming back here every day to do the grind. Because on Steemit I can do little things and big things to be of service to humanity.

An upvote, a resteem, a comment - they all count. Hell, on Steemit all that can change local economies. I see it now.

Even on Facebook it counts, sure you dont get paid for your input but it still counts. Our active participation in our community counts no matter where we are.

It counts more than what people think.

Today serves as a reminder for me to walk my talk and to try harder and do more.

After all I can't ask people to do what I'm not prepared to do myself.

I'm sorry for not being around much lately @Sndbox @SteemPh @TeamAustralia @TheAlliance @SteemUSA @SteemSilverGold I will do better.

I'll be catching up more throughout the week. I might drop off during the move but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Also, I may need to change my autovote settings since it looks like I can't get my full vp back even though I haven't done that much manual curating.

That is whats stopping my manual curation at the moment. I'll have to fine tune that so I can spread the love a bit more.

It's 2018 you guys.

It's now time to make a change (and it's not to relax and take it easy). It's time to grab your life in your hands and chase those dreams.

Good Night šŸ™

ā¤ Arly

Image credits to PixaBay

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