What do I write about? ~ A Steemian Dilemma


At least once a day I hear people say they don't know what to write on their blogs.

I was there at the beginning, looking at the blank screen trying to figure out what topic to write about until I decided to stop over thinking it.

Be yourself.

Some of us are born writers, some of us aren't, what I think matters most here is that we at least begin somewhere.

Your blog doesn't have to be eloquent, with perfect grammar and punctuation. Spelling helps, but hey most of us are skilled at decrypting sentences by now, we move past that. This is, after all Steemit ~ the home of emerging minds from all over the globe.

Over here language is just another tutorial or a translation post waiting to happen.

Over here, we have no barriers, no rules, but each other to learn from.

Over complicating "Learning"

When people think of "learning" most would think of degrees and higher education. What surprises me is most people don't put equal value in the things they learn through their every day.

No, I don't just mean the.
10 things I do in the morning to kick start my day or the 10 reasons why we should eat....

Although I'm a huge fan of those!

I mean the nitty gritty. The pure humanity. A soul touching another soul, sharing your life, your experiences, how you feel.

I see value in that and I know I'm not the only one.

So often we can be immersed in our own world, be in our own bubble that we fail to really see the world around us.

On Steemit, because meaningful content is supported, we are witness to many experiences from people of all walks of life, we witness how the other half lives, learn through them and live vicariously through then.

I know I do it every time I read a post.

My question is.

What makes you think we can't live vicariously through you?

Your life is not my life.

I have learnt so much from everyone here because they shared their life. They shared their struggles, their loss, their heart aches, their wins, hobbies, passion.

Because of you sharing yourself, I have grown to be more aware or what's out there and what's going on in the world.

And because this is Steemit. I no longer have to be sitting at home wondering how I can help. We can help and we will. Cos we Steemians are cool like that.

How do I do it?

Some days I'll be on my game and have a plan for the week. Like before Christmas and I started whipping out the Christmas promo stuff.

Some days I just wing it like today and I find inspiration in my everyday.

This post is actually inspired by everyone who has said to me "I don't know what to write."

You can even write about how you don't know what to write about.

The key, I think, is really feeling what you're writing.

So maybe write about what's consuming your mind?

Warning. This is Steemit and what you write will forever be on public record.

Or write about what you're currently doing, thinking, eating or into.

You never know what value it could bring into someone's life.

❤ Arly

Image credit to PixaBay. Thank you PixaBay!

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