Steem Dreams

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I just had the strangest of dreams. In my dreams I was posting on steem. My post had like 2000+views, no single comment or upvote.


As I was still trying to figure this out, I awoke and noticed I still have less than 20 views but the good part I got some upvotes :)

Nightmares are often quite weird and surreal, even though they may feel perfectly realistic and logical to the dreamer at the time. Many people believe that dreams, and nightmares in particular, are symbolic and are not to be taken at face value or interpreted literally.

Many say the subconscious is trying to convey a message on something we may be pondering on waking life.

However there are many different opinions on this and many scientists today are of the opinion that there may be little or no specific meaning to them.

I'm with the scientist, the dreams is just a figment of my overworked imagination as I eat and work steemit.

Steemit is amazing. It is just the stuffs dreams are made of ( pun intended). Hehehe

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