Crazy China - The Good and The Bad Of Daily Life - part 2

Chinese Drivers and Traffic
I want to talk about Chinese drivers and driving in China a subject that has two distinct sides.


So I have my Chinese drivers licence and have been driving here for a few years. My Chinese license has my Chinese name on it (可克)keke I can barely write it. LOL.
So I had to study the exam questions and learn some of the national road rules, speed limits and do's and don'ts.
However like a lot of things in China when they did the tranlation , they must have just used google translate because it's very confusing at times.
Some questions would finish mid-question. Example- When the car in front turns right the?
How do you answer a question like this? You memorize them!


As soon as you leave you should forget all the rules because no one follows the road rules. There is only one major rule.

You are in the wrong if your moving forward and you hit someone or something. . Oh and absolutely don't hit a pedestrian, it could be costly. They may even jump in front of your car and fake being hit.
Everybody here mounts a dash cam in their car if it doesn't come standard, it's a must to settle disputes.
Using your mobile devise while driving is expected and you may stop mid intersection to call your friend and ask directions. OMG

How can this be safe??


On the positive side and the flip side of the coin.
There are very few serious car crashes because Chinese drivers generally drive slower and are always prepared to stop if someone cuts in front. So I don't mind driving here but you must certainly drive like a local or you won't get anywhere.

Then you see things like this and you just have to laugh. 313AF32400000578-3447675-image-a-40_1455537977899.jpg

Have a Great Day.

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