The Story of My Love

💖💖Happy Valentines Day💖💖

Years ago I abosultely hated this day. I was in a highly abusive relationship never recieved a Valentine's gift or a card or flowers. I had been made to believe that true love was painful, that true love was pure hate. I despised this day and everyone posting mushy love stuff on social media. (I know totally does not sound like me, right?)

In late 2014, my views about what love is or isn't completely changed. I met my husband in college in 2011. He was very shy, quiet, and sat towards the back of the classroom and did not interact very much with anyone. He did not go outside with everyone on breaks and he did not hang around after class as well. We didn't have much interaction aside from the few times he called me over to help him and for me as an extroverted introvert (yes that is correct) to show off my selfies and life and make it seem like I am more interesting than I was. A year and a half later we graduated and I had moved over 100 miles away. He did not have Facebook at that time, and me, I lived on that thing.

One day I get a notification via Linkdin and then another via Twitter. Michael Flores wants to connect. I am completely puzzled by this. I was like, "Wait, that's the kid from school." So, I connected. In December of 2013 he finally signed up for Facebook and we also became friends on there as well. I had a very rocky end and last 6 months of my former relationship of 12 years. I was sad, I was depressed, I hated life more than ever. I only used twitter as a release of my anger towards everything and everyone. Michael was the only person who followed me that had actually at one point knew me in real life. It was about April or so that I had posted some disturbing posts that I am not to proud I did. Michael messaged me, gave me his cell.

For a few months after that, I stayed up super late every night talking to him. Just about random stuff. It kept my mind off the hell I was dealing with at home. When I did finally move back, Michael was the first person I told and as fate would have it, I moved within 10 mins of him. I invited him over and was totally thrilled when he said YES! He kept coming over and over and bringing me coffee in the mornings and at night he would come over and "leave a hoodie or beanie" so he would have an excuse to come back.

Michael showed me what "True Love" was. I knew I wanted it, and only wanted it from him. He was with me, supporting me the entire time I was trying to get my shit together to leave my abusive ex. He had patience and compassion. I am glad I took that chance, my life has been so much better since we have been loving eachother.

He is my partner in crime, my peanut butter to my jelly. He is my rock.


I have never met anyone as more caring and loving than he is. He is gone from the house working 12 hours a day 6 days a week. He comes home and still finds time to be a dad. Still finds time to be a husband. He motivates me, he helps me, he loves me, and he puts me above himself.


And, on his days off, he takes me on wonderful adventures and invests whatever time he can into us!

So, @awesomemike if you visit this today in your busy schedule, I want you to know I am totally in love with you still even after all these years. You make me a better person.


I had a new bloom yesterday from my Love Rose bush. This is a look at it. Just in time for Valentine's Day!

Thanks for Viewing... Have a GREAT WEDNESDAY EVERYONE!
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