A Beautiful Sublime Sunday At McCormick's Creek State Park

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This was our very first visit to the beautiful McCormick's Creek State Park and it did not disappoint.

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We began our journey on Trail 9 and that is what I am showing you today. One of the first things we noticed were these trees with loose bark. Do any of you know what kind of tree they are?

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The next thing we noticed was how the foliage in the park was starting to fill back in and how beautiful the surroundings are starting to become.

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Something about the trees in this park felt different to us. Maybe they are just different from the trees in our area of Indiana or maybe it was just that we could really feel Spring in the air.

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All we know is that it was a beautiful day to be out in nature. We think we may have even seen an Indian Trail Tree.

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Last but not least, we got to see what was left of an old homestead. I always love getting a peek into history like that. I'm sure the Spring House has been restored at some point because it was in great shape.

A big thank you to @ace108 for hosting the #beautifulsunday and to @c0ff33a for hosting the #sublimesunday tags each week!

If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!

Photographs are owned by @debralee

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