PAPA-Ratsi diaries with the JAJA Twins [ April 4th 2018]


The diary/blog of a Jamaican dad with twins living in Japan!

Cherry Blossoms, Izakaya, Costco & BBQ

Hey Steemians. Back again with another Papa-Ratsi installment. Yup, I went drinking with my boys. I took them to a Japanese hostess bar so they could learn to talk to the ladies from now.

Last weekend was a busy blur as usual. On Saturday morning ( March 31st) I actually had some free time. My wife went on a playdate with her friends and their kids. HA free time? I cleaned the house, took out the trash and was about to write a poem for the 100 days of poetry challenge on steemit. But then the door bell rang........ Boxes of goods to be unpacked and stocked, then to take the boxes to the recycle center. I got done just in time for lunch with the family.

Saturday: Cherry Blossom Picnic

In Japan, cherry blossom season is at its peak end of March to the first snippets of April, so we had lunch in the park under the trees ( Because thats what you do here). Food was wasted, tears fell and what was supposed to be a beautiful time in the park turned into us carrying the boys away while they were screaming over chicken that became ants food.

Pictures like this make family life look perfect, don't they?

Costco Run

After that we went to coscto to buy some meat for a BBQ we would have the next day. Yup, Costso is in Japan, expect the population to get fat within 5 years. Now here is something you need to understand about Costco in Japan; many Japanese go there for the vibe of being in America, it is not cheaper than regular super markets here, its crowded asf with people scrambling to get free samples and no one navigates their carts right. One big crowded shit fest.
Oh, that chic on the right is Missa, she is a sweetheart. She drove us to Costco as it was her idea to get the meat there.

Look at this shit!!!

The face of the amused

Izakaya Sayonara

Yup no break, we just kept on going. That evening we went to an Izakaya with some friends. The reason we went, it was closing down after 40 years. This was a very old style place, all seats on the floor and prices written in kanji. One unique thing about this place is that they offer all you can eat for ¥1,000 ( roughly $10 USD). Nope, drinks not included. But still a fare deal.

HA, you really thought I carried my boys to a hostesss bar? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ummm I actually would, I'd get all the chicks. Twins are girl magnets, especially if they have a hint of cuteness. I could drink all night and have the girls watch my boys. hmmm might be a business idea somewhere between the lines.

One thing about going out to an Izakaya with the boys is that they end up eating too much. It is hard to tell them no when all they are seeing is plates upon plates of food. At least Japanese food is somewhat healthy.

Sunday: BBQ Hanami in the park.

The boys had fun at the park. I didn't have much time to play with them as I was busy grilling, but of course one eye on the grill and the other eye on them. Even in the safest places kids ( especially boys) will find something dangerous to play with. That white stuff on the ground, cherry blossoms.

Why they gotta make the black man be on the grill? LOL. Nah, I chose to be on the grill, it's mine and I really enjoy BBqing.
For the first half of the Bbq the boys were around, but once they ate and had some fun, we took them to Japanese Grandma's house. It's just around the corner from the park. A note to the wise, live near to your parents, get them used to watching your kids. They are your MVB ( Most valuable babysitter) Especially living in Japan where baby-sitters do not exist.


The gang. Friends and friends of friends. Not many foreign faces yeah?So many have come and gone, sometimes it feels like I'm the only one left. I got to get out and recruit the new Gaijin ( foreigners) in town.
My friend Loraine from India via Dubai.
Bev ( Loraine's husband) Aya, Nozomi, me, my wife. One thing to note about Nozomi, every time she drinks at one of these BBqs she ends up crying, and telling my wife how much she likes her. YES EVERY-TIME!
Once you’re a dad, your friend's kids also become your kids.

Thats it for now.

Thanks for reading.
If you are a parent or a parent to be, I hope you get some insight into papa life or just had a good time reading
Bless UP!


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