Summary of the series, begun with the book Reborn

Book Cover created in watercolor by the extremely talented @therealpaul

First of all I'd like to give a great big Thank You to everyone who has been with me on the journey of my book Reborn. Your comments and encouragement as well as your votes mean more to me than I can adequately express. It's thrilling to have so many amazing people hanging out in the world of my imagination, experiencing the passion, love, and excitement that I feel for my creation.

For those of you who have not read it, but may be considering it, hopefully what I write here will help you to decide.

Something occurred to me recently, stemming from some conversations I've had with @jedau and @verbal-d. I never did write a "Back of the book Blurb" which is to say, I never let my readers know just exactly what this book was about before they began. And most importantly, I don't think I was clear that Reborn is actually the first book of a series, for which I have the second book completed and the third fully plotted and nearly half-written, and have begun plotting the fourth and fifth. I believe that it is going to be five in total, though I can't yet be sure of this.

In many ways Reborn is the setup for the series. I spent a great deal of time on character development in the first half, while only hinting at the overall plot of the story. Part of the reason for that was while it was in composition I didn't have a fully formed picture of where it would ultimately go, I only knew that the people in it would be important throughout.

I'm discovering that there is an art form to writing a summary of what will amount to a minimum of twenty five hundred pages. Of course each book will have smaller stories within the larger one, but it is the larger picture I will be focusing on in this blog.

The Shadow Men.
For those of you who have been reading, you are now aware that they are considered to be demons, and also that there is potentially different species of demons, from the common Jinn to the more powerful Dantalion, along with two more that have yet to be named.

The Vampires
Initially created to be warriors in the fight against demons, many of them have fallen from their duty, preying on the humans they had sworn to protect and killing those of their kind who have remained faithful to the cause.

The Allies of Old
Those who once banned together to fight the common enemy of the Shadow Men. Vampires, Faerians, humans, (and more to be revealed), engaged in battles and ultimately war with the creatures, and though we do not yet know the scope of this, we know they were victorious. But it has been many centuries since there was a real threat to this world, and in these modern times, most are oblivious to the danger lurking just beyond their perception.

But signs are beginning to appear that allude to this threat rising in power once more.

With the alliances largely broken and those still fighting the fight few and far between, mankind is on the precipice of a grave danger that could threaten their very existence.

At this point in the journey it looks bleak, with so few who are even aware of the darkness rising.
"You won't win, it's too late, there are two few of you faeries left, and no one left to aid you." .

And so it is of dire need for the Allies of Old to gather and ban together once more.

Ancient prophesies will soon begin to surface, of a unifying force initiated by the unlikeliest of beings.

As long as their is a light in the darkness, there is hope.


Well, that is my first official attempt at a summary for the series, you might call it a very rough draft as I will be working on perfecting it.

If you're just joining the adventure and would like to start at the beginning, click here for prologue

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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