Something from my bar whenever I feel like it episode CCCXXX

Special Bonus Episode tonight. I've shown off a lot of cool stuff so far. There have been old bottle, sports memorabilia, sci-fi collectibles, and just some really neat stuff I've collected over the years. Tonight you get to see my favorite part of the bar. My "Command Center".

Anyone who remembers the movie Real Genius has to remember Lazlo Hollyfeld. Well when I was in high school that movie was still new. People told me I was going to end up dwelling in the basement just like him. Well they were kinda right. Just replace all those pipes and machines with a bar and pool table.

These are my rack cabinets. Most of my computers are located here. Yes I have more. When I started moving in the first thing I did way buy 2 rack cabinets off of ebay. Got the cabinets cheap but boy the shipping was a killer on them. Still far cheaper then buying new ones and they were in near perfect shape. Only a few scratches. Oh and they are not just any rack cabinets they are forced air cabinets. No dust getting in these babies. So here they are:

And now with the doors open:

Yea the cabling isn't as neat as when I put them in 14 years ago but still good enough. Let me give you a run down on what is what:

  • 1: This one is an old Core2Duo machine. These days it's only used for email and browsing.
  • 2: Witness Node 1. This is my new baby I built just for running a witness node. It's a 6 core 12 thread I7 extreme with 32gig of ram, a 480gig SSD and 4TB HDD.
  • 3: 3KVA UPS. That's 30amps/3000 watts of backup power
  • 4: Media PC. I built this years ago as a PVR system. Today it's the machine I use for doing upvoting of good posts and flagging of spam/plagiarism.
  • 5: 24 port gigbit switch
  • 6: 8-2 KVM switch
  • 7: 8-1 KVM switch. Piggy back this to the 8:2 for 15:2 capability.
  • 8: Misc Shelf. This is where things like my routers that aren't rack mount are. If you look you can still see a 56k V.everything modem in there too. Not used anymore.
  • 9: 3KVA UPS: MORE POWER!!!
  • 10: Old P2 system waiting to be parted
  • 11: Old P2 system waiting to be parted
  • 12: Bar Computer. This is where I work when I'm in the bar. It's an I7 3.6 4 core 8 thread 32gig ram 3TB HD. It's also where most of the bar episodes are done.
  • 13: Pentium D 3.6ghz Ubuntu machine. This is actually an old Novell File server that I redid as a Linux box when it became obsolete. Now it runs a few IRC bots and some other small things.
  • 14: Steem Node 2. This is my original steem node and my backup. It's an I7 3.8ghz 4core 8 thread machine with 32gig of RAM. Recently upgraded to 480gig SSD and 4TB HD.
  • 15: OES File server. This is the big boy. All RAID 1 and lots of space. 4 hot swap bays for backups. The red SATA cable is for when I need to hook up a DVD drive. Didn't have room in the case to leave it connected. I can just pull the case out a bit and hook one up. Only needed to do that once for an update.
  • 16: Pentium 100. My last MS-DOS 6.22 only machine. I keep it around for those DOS only programs. Still works, can't remember the last time I used it.

Now some bonus pics of when I was putting it in. This is what they look like without the sides and doors:

Forced air blower units at the bottom. Little noisy but worth it. Air filters clean the air before it gets pushed into the bottom of the cabinet. Keeps things nice and clean.

Each cabinet has vents and 2 fans at the top. Hot air gets pulled out keeping the systems running cool. Even had a few bitcoin miners in there at one point.

So there you have it my computer and witness node setup. Oh and there is a 20amp 2200 watt UPS hiding behind that beer fridge to the left of the cabinets. So over 8000 watts of backup power. Brownouts not an issue. Also have a 6bay NAS and this computer not in the bar. Few more systems to the left of the cabinets too but they are just being used for test stations.

So remember this setup when your voting for witnesses.

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