Something from my bar whenever I feel like it episode CCLXXXVI

This one is an old puzzle. Not what you normally think of as a puzzle. No pieces and just one moving part. That part is a small ball bearing. The idea is to tilt the puzzle so that the golf ball (ball bearing) goes up the ramp to the top and falls into the hole. It takes a lot of patience and steady hands to do it. We spent days doing these puzzles as kids. So frustrating. Most of my cousins had one as well. Mine was the only one that survived. It did get beat up some and the flag that was by the hole is long gone. The most frustrating part was if you managed to get it to the top that was a good chance it would not go in the hole and fall back down a level or all the way down. Of course I found alternate ways to solve it. You could "cheat" by bouncing the ball up to the top ramp or if lucky into the hole. You could also turn the puzzle upside down to get the ball to the top of the dome then quickly flip it right side up to get it to fall down into the hole. This was even easier if you had a magnet to hold the ball at the top. So yea this is what life was like before computers. Days wasted playing with stupid gadgets.

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