Something from my bar whenever I feel like it episode CCXCII

This one has seen a lot of use over the years. Bought this when I was still in college. It's my old standby beer mug. It's actually the second one. First one didn't make it out of college. Cooking accident. Yes I cooked in my beer mug. Perfect size for ramen noodles. Noodles in mug, fill with water, microwave. Just don't rinse out the mug while it's still hot to get that first cold beer. That's what happened to mug #1. This one made it out of college and has been around another 25+ years. It's seen many cold beers over the years. Always on my desk playing video games. Now it sits up on the shelf. Bought a bunch of regular bar mugs when I got my keg fridge.

First 100 Episode Recap | Second 100 Episode Recap

Follow Me | Witness Proposal

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