Something from my bar whenever I feel like it episode CCXLIII

How about a couple of shots today? We always called these airplane bottles. Don't really know if there is a proper term for them. They are just little bottles containing a shot or 2 of liquor. In this case it's Imperial Hiram Walker. We referred to them as airplane bottle because people used to bring them home from flights. Never flown so don't know if they still only sever these on flights but I doubt it. I know there are still places where you can only get these in bars. No going in and getting a shot poured out of a 1/5 or half gallon bottle. Liquor laws are just so ridiculous. Anyway these 2 are pretty old. No idea how old but they have been around ever since I can remember. Never been opened but you can see the age from the seals falling apart. The size gives away their age too. 1/10 of a pint. Don't think anyone would consider that a valid measure these days. It would either be in ounces or milliliters. So these are somewhere just over a shot and a half.

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