Blog #44: Be yourself? What does it mean?

I still remember that @derekcowan gave us an advise to improve our blog, he said “Be yourself”. I think that was such a sound advise.

You should show who you really are in your blog by writing your own thoughts, opinions, by sharing your own view about the world around you.
Not for showing off about fancy things but not yours.

Not only with your blog, “Be yourself” can be considered as a slogan in real life, too. It is quite easy to speak out but actually not everyone is able to do that, yeah, to “be yourself”.
Because you need to be aware who you really are, you figure it out and then you can just “be yourself”. But for most of people, finding out who you really are is a process of trial and error. So just think that it simply is “not trying to be someone that you are not”.

I always “be myself” when I wear clothes that I am comfortable in, not to dress up or show off.
I have the courage to say what I believe in, and not say somethings just to be “cool” to others.
I make my own decisions that I think I want to do, and not what people around me want me to.
I am comfortable with who I am, I dont spend my energy trying to be someone else.
I dont need to put up a fake personality for others to make them like me since I am not living for them.
I have my own thoughts and opinions on things, I’m not afraid to discuss with others and will not follow things I dont believe.

People tend to be what they are expected to be. So they pretend to be awesome, cool, fancy,.. It is totally fine. You can be whatever kind of person you want to be. But whatever you choose, you need to be that person full-time and for a long term. Even though you are pretending, it is ok if u are able to pretend forever.
But problem is no one can pretend for the rest of their life and once they are exposed, they will even lose their uniqueness, their own attraction.

Be yourself is to be honest about who you really are.


By: @hanggggbeeee

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