Turtles, Turtles and more Turtles!

Hello, there my name is Donna I live at an RV Park and it is a wonderful place. People come and people go, we even have many full-time residents. Our park is located in Texas in a small town called Brookshire. I really like it here, I even have a job in the office One of my jobs here is to go out every so often and catch turtles from our pond for release in the park or a slow moving river down the road.

This is one of the Turtles I have been relocating she is a Slider turtle. She is of breeding age and her removal to a new location will mean her new clutches of young will be born elsewhere.

these are Aquatic turtles they will bask on rocks, logs, and shorelines and when disturbed slide into the water and disappear. the only time you will find these turtles away from the water is when the females are laying their eggs. the average size of the slider is 5 to 12 inches. The males are typically smaller. there are 4 subspecies of Slider turtles, Red-eared Sliders, Yellow-bellied, Cumberland and the Big Bend slider.

Above is a container of captive turtles ready for relocation. So far this year I have removed close to 58 turtles from the pond and believe it or not, it does not look like I had even made a dent.

One thing that I can not stress enough is that if you find a turtle on the road and you wish to rescue it..PLEASE ... PLEASE.. find out what type and variety it is. I have seen a video online of a woman who claimed to be rescuing a turtle she stated: that if you find one. You are to toss it out into the water so predators can't get it. The horrible truth was the turtle in her video was a land turtle a Gopher turtle to be exact and they CAN NOT SWIM. So please if you find a turtle please find someone who can identify it before returning it to the wild. If in doubt take it to a veterinarian or a local game authority.

This is one of my Box turtles it is a land turtle, not a water turtle. His name is Houdini he is an escape artist. He somehow escaped from a styrofoam cooler in the trunk and ended up crawling up over the back seat to the front. Scared the hell out of the girl who was with me at the time. sounds like another story for my blog..LOL

Well thanks for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it.

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