STAR WARS old movies concept art artbook review - awesomness in simplicity:)


This is the second post in the series, you can find the first one here. Untill thouse posts I made all the Star Wars reviews about the SWtoR MMOGPG, but in this one we will look through the old concept art for the movies. It's a completely different type of concepts. First of all - they're made with traditional art supplies, not digital. How cool is that? Let's see:) 

In the Galaxy far away...

You probably remember from the previous review that 90% of concept art that was prepared for the Star Wars movies was created with traditioal mediums. And here we continue with them!:) This perfect, digitaly looking illustration was created with pen, ink and airbrush paint on illustration board. I can only guess how confused the aartist (Boba Fett) was if he made any mistakes when did it:) Anyway, digital art always allowes us tp fix them, some traditional mediums also let this, but ink is almost unforgivable.

Looks nice and sketchy, right? I love such a bit careless concepts, they have a special charm. Look at C3PO's face, it's so cute and funny:) Expressive to show the situation - our droids are hiding. R2D2 has more motion in gesture then his metal  trunk  would allow, but it looks perfect!:)

Cute little ewok is going to his village, in acrilic and watercolor. Personaly I never mixed these mediums, I even have no idea how to do it (I usually nix watercolor with ink), but here the artist managed perfectly. Unfortunatly in the artbook it's no information about the artist, it's probably lost. Said only that it's Nelvana studio staff artist. Great pity, I would love to see more of his art.

Guys, how cool is that? This one is a concept for ewok animated series, and it's also acrilic with watercolor on illustration board. Only a few strokes, but how expressive they are? The color palette is limited, and this keeps the whole drawing in harmony.

See you in the next review in a week, I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it!:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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