An artist must be starving, and other social myths:)

Being an artist I already collected in my "magic box" a lot of social myths related to us. Here's a half-joking post, but every joke has a part of truth. In this case - a HUGE part. So:

Myth 1: An artist must be starving

Wow! To tell the truth - a starving, dying from tuberculosis on the attic artist is a flashback from the beginning of the 20th century. There it could be truth. Most artists either had a breathtaking career (like Pablo Picasso), or were.. Well, really starving. In all other centuries they were mostly healthy and wealthy, first working for temples, then for church, and then for the palace. Guess who paid most:)

Myth 2: All artists are marginals

Not true again. There's a great myth surrounding this "fact". Of course, a lot of artists of the past drank a lot, took drugs ect., but in the world we live now... Well, being a commercial artist means that you work, You have terms and conditions of your work. And "excuse me, I was drinking in search of inspiration and accidentally fell of the stairs and broke my arm" in not an excuse. 

Myth 3: An artist must work for free

Do you ask your hairdresser to make a free haircut? A baker for a free bread? A lawyer for free consultation? Now what's wrong with artists? Artists don't enjoy starving (see paragraph one).

Myth 4: Only sad emotions lead to art creation

Here I want to break the myth with awesome comics by one of my favorite strips creators Sarah Andersen:

Myth 5: Artists need inspiration to create

Also not true. It's awesome when we have one, but the truth is that sometimes you have to draw even with no inspiration. Cause your client waits for the work to be done. Just work, like any other (sorry for ruining divine image:)

Don't forget to hug your friend artist today:)

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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