Batman is my assistant for evening thoughts today - hellish heat, no melatonin and walking dead I am

I need to stay strong, I need to stay calm...

Damn, guys, it's hell I'm living in at the moment! 35 Celsius in the deep evening in my apartment - it really kills me. I thought I'm about to have a creative attack,  I even removed a new canvas from the cover, but...

Now imagine that. My oil paints got too liquid! And this is even not the worst part.

As I already mentioned I have absolutely no possibility to draw any digital art at the moment. The reason is simple - my graphic tablet gets way too hot long before I finish even basic sketching for new art. So it's impossible for me to work, it's a nice choice: either I spoil me device, or I make my clients wait. 

And that's damn awful. So I have to wait until 3-4 a.m., when it gets a bit cooler, and work only at night. And that causes me another difficulty.

Since I'm treated from depression and insomnia I have a pill to take before I go to bed, that activates melatonin production. But now I'm forces to work at night, even deeper night then I usually do. And by the time I go to bed it's already too hot again and I have nothing to breath with, so can't sleep as well.

Guys, I already look like a true walking dead!

Can please someone borrow me some rain? Or may be even snow? I would be really grateful.

Sorry for lack of new art, it really is a vicious circle. I have to draw for clients and post on steemit to earn myself a conditioner, but I can't work and post on steemit because I don't have one. I have no idea how I managed with two simple watercolors I showed today, these ones:

Well, at least my dog will feel better tomorrow, I'm taking her to the hairdresser and probably will remove 90% of fur. So she will be able to hide her tongue. ..

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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