Evening thoughts after a long day - and steemit wall paper. Crypto fan-art:)

I spended the whole day drawing. My new graphic tablet is damn awesome, I'm more and more happy to have it. Now I hardly can break away from it even just to make myself a cup of tea.

I remember the days when I had no graphic tablet at all, it was no so long time ago, about three years from now. I worked only with traditional mediums, and just smiled when my hubby asked me about trying digital art. I thought I will never be able to make it, but I was wrong:)

Of course, in something traditional ast is more simple, then digital, and in something digital is more simple, then traditional. Ctrl+Z  - yes, it's hard without it on real canvas:)

I'm convinced that both  are nesesary for artist development. My personal - for sure. 

One more thing I was thinking about today - I had no day-off for four months. And it's kind of weried. I'm already even scared to have one, cause I know I'll like it. And then it will take me too much effort to get back to work. So I keep promising myself to have a nice weekend after I finish this project. No, this one. No, this!

So, I really need a day-off. Don't know when I'll make it for myself, it's the advantage and disadvantage of being a freelancer at the same time. You can have a weekend when you ehish, but sometimes you just keep working, cause you can.

I finished this day with a kind of steemt fan-art wallpaper:

Good night:)

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