Evening thoughts - and Master Yoda says Good Night:)

Here we are, me, my dog Astro and Master Yoda thinking about the day that just passed:)

Today it was a really nice day. I continued my Harry Potter series of illustrations with a golden snitch - this was my second attempt to draw it. Earlier I also made an oil version, but it was not enough glow it it. Sure, it's more simple to reach such effect with digital tools.

 I washed my sweety dog - now she's sleeping on the couch under my bathrobe. It's wonderful like having a bath has a hypnotic influence on her. For first 5-10 minutes after she runs and jumps like a crazy rabbit, and then immidiately falls asleep. Do your dogs do the same?:) 

Now it's already dark, in Ukraine it's nearly 1:00 am and it's time to go and have some read.

By the way,today I armored myself against summer:) I odered a small ventilator tj put on the window in our bedroom. If it'll get hotter I will put a bowl with ice in front of it and voila - harmless self-made conditioner is ready:)

I don't think my dog will love the idea though, usually she uses the window sill as a place for nap. But only at daytime. At night she shares my pillow and yes, she has twice more space on it then I do:)

I also was thinking about that I didn't touch any traditional art supplies for already a week, since I recieved my cintiq graphic tablet. Have to fix this omission, after all, doing traditional art time to time is as inportant as practicing in digital. 

Good night, my dear friends:) Have sweet dreams:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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