Feeling like Jabba the Hutt today - food and "Doctor Who" rest day evening thoughts:)

Today in the evening I really already feel like this:

On weekend we usually go to the supermarket to buy food for whole next week, and then est something like pizza, hot dogs or any other food of such kind while watching favorite TV series. Today's choise were hot dogs and "Doctor Who":

We also have a family tradition to make non-alcohol mojito every saturday and sunday. It appeared only this year, but it seems to me like it'll stay:) After all this food, hot dogs and rolls with dill and cheese I really feel like Jabba...

About Doctor Who, by the way:) We already watched seven from the eight new episodes, and it really seems to me that Doctor is like good wine - becomes only better:)

Astro was mainly inspecting the steet today. She has a special post on the windowsill in our bedroom - a perfect place to bark, ha-ha:) The post is equiped with a blanket and a pillow, so she sleeps and tracks at the same time:)

Today I didn't touch a single drawing medium, I decided that I really deserved a holiday after four months of every day drawing. One or may be two before returning to work;)

I hope you also had a nice weekend start!

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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