Life like a zebra - I try to make mine colorful:) Thoughts about creative crisis - sometimes you just need to... Spoil everything:) My creative mantra

I'm not that much in to drawing animals, but sometimes I do. Both of my zebras were drawn when I had a terrible artblock and super bad mood. So when I started drawing I had no expectations at all, it's like an exercise for artists who experience artblock. You just take a piece of parep, canvas, or digital canvas - anything you usually use (traditional mediums are better for the exersize) and promise yourself that you have no expectations about the artwork at all. 

It really helps to relax and to sink into drawing process, to stop your inner critiq, who always expents too much and whose expectations are so hard to satisfy.

To say the truth the drawings with no expectations usually look even better. The same phenomenon aswith the palette, that sometimes looks better then drawing. Art lives in the spae where you're relaxed and enjoy the process, not ib the place where you're trying to force yourself. 

There's another way to go - you can completely spoil yur canvas/paper. But if so happens - you anyway did one of the most important things: you released yourself from a bad drawing (remember? Each artist has a 1000 of them inside:) And the faster you let them out - the faster good ones will come out:)

With this oil zebra I did exactly like this. I just spoiled. But it released me, and I was able to work again.

Sometimes it's really important - to just let yourself spoil something. I have a special mantra:

"This is my paper and paints. I bought them, and I can do with them whatever I whish. The one who doesn't like it is free to buy his own paper and do with it whatever he whishes..."

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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