My illustration for a book "The Land of NowHere" - and missing ink thoughts:)

I few months ago I made a series of illustrations for half-childish book " The Land of NowHere" by Frederik Vanden Broeck. It's a lovely story about a boy named Capitocha who travels around the galaxy and visits different planets, meets their inhabitants in search of happiness. The book is aviable on itunes, you can have a look if you whish.

All the illustrations were made with ink, and perhaps it was the biggest ink project I ever made. If I remember it right I did somewhere aroung 30 ink illustrations in one month - really busy one (by the way exactly after this project I had one more fit of insomnia and finally had to begin visiting a doctor to fix the problem).

I can't show the illustrations, but I can show a single one just for acquaintance:

It's just today it made me thinking about how much I need to return to ink:) All the illustrations in the book were made with ink pen, and I feel like I really need to return to inking with brush. Currently I don't have much ideas, but I hope soon it will change. 

Currently I have an idea of a big stained-glass imitation with space. "Doctor Who" fan art decoration for my bedroom. So I think I'll start with it, just to switch from digital rt a bit, and them will retund to my beloved, but temporary abandoned medium:)

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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