New inhabitant in our tank - meet the little buddhist fish:)

Once again it was really hard to make a good looking photo, so to explain first what fish I'm talking about I'll use this photo with the source:

It really is a little buddhist:) He keeps away prom other fishes, completely busy with leaning everything around him. When I just released him to the tank from the package we brought him in - he immediately suck to the glass and started moving using his super powerful lips.

One thing I care about - how will he get enough food? When I fed the other fishes he remained fixed to the tank glass, so he took no meal. I highly doubt that cleaning the walls will be enough to keep him full - after all we have a really big tank, and yet only a few fishes.

By the way, one of the fishes I showed yesterday  behaves really strange. She swims like she's got some sort of trauma, and looks like she has problems with keeping still on the water. Of course it also interfered her to be on time for the meal, so I fed her separately from other fishes. At the moment I don't know what's the problem, but I hope she will get better soon and survive.

Today we also bought a special decoration - root of some kind of special tree, it's used for tanks. It's said that it can help fixing PH level in the water, at the moment we have some problems with it.

But after all this is only the beginning. No more new fishes until next weekend, I think now all the system needs stabilization. 

Dear friends! I remember a lot of you saying that you have/had a tank. Do my worries about food for the catfish have any real foundations? 

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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