The art of the Star Wars (SWtoR) - vehicles concept art

The next thing to pay attention on (and I think the last post about SWtoR for the near future) is vechicle concept art. 

Of cource, all the vehicles in the game are based on the same types of vehicles in the movie. Personaly I love them a lot. One of the reasons is that I'm bad at vehicles concepts, and the second one - I just love spaceships:) And think that I really should try to spend a week or two drawing only machines, and may be (definitely) it'll help ,e to improve my skills. The only thing here - my interest again is limited with starships or unusual vehicles. Or not limited, but expanded?:)

I spended an hour viewing all this small tumbnails is th SWtoR artbook. This is the kind of stuff I should do to begin the study! Every drawing starts with arrangement, I usually draw nude models is such version: lots of models on one sheet. Mine even cross each other, so it seems to me like only I alone can understand what's depicted.

Using glow effects is another awesome thing to do in starships concept art. In fact for me already this alone feature worths effort to study "how to"

High detailing is one of my weak stots, so it's also an opportunity to get improved. And building this kind of proportions, yes. The thing that can make everyonestudy the perspective using:)

A classic concept art sheet. How cool is that? The main feature here - an artist thinks not only about how it looks, but also how it works. 

Closer and closer to the  Millennium Falcon:)

And already not a concept, but a fulfilled promo-picture. As always for me it seems much more complicated, then creating characters. But again, may be it's just because I already know how to create them, while vehicles are my artistic "terra incognita".

See you in the next post!:) 

Thank you for watching:)

Love, Inber

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