Why Humble People Are Treasured

What kind of persons would you want as friends? A humble person or someone filled with pride? Recently, I have been in talks with so many people, trying to teach them how Steemit works. The major challenge I have encountered is meeting proud people. There's someone I was helping out on Steemit, as soon as he got his first good payout, he changed totally. He didn't want to listen to me again, he felt he was top of his game, he even called me names too. Why do you think humility is so valued? That's what I will be talking about today, try to stick around.

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Humility is rare. Yeah, you read that right. It's difficult to find a humble person in the world we find ourselves today. So when you come across one, it's good you treasure him/her. The few ones that are humble easily stand out amongst crowds. Like the example I gave in the preceding paragraph, money tends to reveal someone. A person practicing false humility cannot hide it for long. False humility is still pride.

Image Credit: theinclusionsolution.me

Being humble is greater than an act, it involves putting the needs of others ahead of ones need. Everyone loves to be cared for, and this is what humble people will definitely do. They will do this without expecting a reward or a repay of such act.

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Most humble persons are good listeners too. Because they don't feel superior to another person, they tend to make others feel valued. They listen to the opinions of others and try to implement it if possible or needed. Ithe feels so good when you are talking to someone who truly listens without focusing on were you may possibly have made mistakes.

A humble person knows he has flaws so when see others errs, he isn't judgemental. A humble person will also acknowledge his faults when wrong and apologise. Sometimes they even apologise when they know they are correct for peace to reign. How do you feel when someone tells you sorry for your own mistake? This will make me feel bad about myself, I would not want such events to repeat itself. This makes humble people a welcome sight.

It takes some maturity to be humble, humble people try to act maturely in most situations. A mature person wouldn't act childishly when important topics are being discussed. No one likes someone who acts childishly all the time, this make humble persons to be loved.

Do you like humble people? If you do, why?


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