Energy Vampires

This might sound like a bit of an odd term, but it is in fact quite commonly used and yes – you can Google it. Lol! There are other terms for it too, such as "psychic vampires" or "spiritual vampires".

I am not sure how “in tune” or interested in “energy” most of you are in general, but it is always something that has absolutely fascinated me – because to my mind, absolutely EVERYTHING revolves around energy and derives from energy.

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An energy vampire is somebody who literally sucks the energy out of you – be it intentionally or unintentionally. Being in their company will often leave you feeling drained and tired physically and/or emotionally.

For the most part, I would say that it is done unintentionally, but that doesn’t really change the fact that it occurs – all the time, everywhere with people from all walks of life.

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I absolutely LOVE studying people and always have. I love observing their mannerisms, body language, the way they present themselves, the way they interact with others etc. You can learn a lot about people simply by observing them.

When in my early twenties, I started to notice that there were certain people that I was friend with but whenever I was in their company for any length of time, I became really tired and often quite depressed.

I also started to notice that I felt similar after being in shopping malls for long periods of time.

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After investigating the matter, I started to learn about the “giving and taking” of energy and how different people are affected in different manners.

I am a very high energy individual and it would appear that I seem to attract character types that are often the complete opposite into my sphere. For the most part, I seem to be able to “give” of my own energy to those that need it, therefore leaving them feeling a lot better and me unaffected – if it is limited… but I have also learnt when to remove myself from the company of those people and situations when I feel that it is in fact starting to make me feel low.

I think – in addition to this, I am also what is referred to as a “psychic sponge” – which is a different topic entirely – but in short, it is someone who literally absorbs other peoples “energetic baggage”. Which also explains why a lot of people will comment on feeling more energetic or positive after being with me for a while.

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Don’t get me wrong, I am sure there are plenty of people who cant stand being in my company because I can be quite loud – but hey… those are not my people. Lol

This might seem like a complex topic, and I suppose in many ways it is – but fundamentally, it is not complicated.

We are all energetic beings. Every thought we have carries energy – every action, every word spoken – all of it. The places we visit carry energy, the objects we touch carry energy… it is endless.

If you pay attention to that, you too will start to notice how and when you are affected by it.

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Personally – I think it is an important thing to be aware of – because there ARE those that will do it intentionally and repeatedly use you to “feed” themselves… and those instances and people should really be avoided, unless you are aware of it and allow it willingly.

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