Climate change escape on #BeautifulSunday

What was a surprize when this morning I received a message from one of my former boss about climate change.

In early 2000 I started to work in Brussels for a small international organization specialized in communication strategy. There, I was cooperating on raising awareness campaigns and IT solutions for the European Commisssion, the United Nations and other International organizations.

So, as usual when I am receiving a message from him, I am asking myself: what can I practically do...

In order to wake up and really think about it, while Earth may turn into "oven" because of climate change, I thought, ...we can still enjoy the summer, ...but until when? What can we practically do each of us to act against such global phenomon and ensure a global sustainable impact? Should we wait.. until escape? Or can for example #blockchain support a sustainable transformation and monitoring towards an effective global community resilience framework?

Meh, what?

Whatever,...what can I do?

Raise awareness about the risks of group dynamics

First things first, ... let's be honest nobody is working and paid or has the resources to act globally against such global phenomon, so if climate change is a reality...let's

Act against bystander effect

people tends to believe they are good (see also group dynamics)

when asked most of the people says of course I would help if someone get an accident in front of them but this believe was thorn by what is known as the bystander effect

Basically the bystander effect is this:

The time for one to take action or seek for help is mostly depending on how many people are in the room or more simply, everyone think someone else will take action and the result is that no one does anything.

The bystander effect is observed in a number of studies from 1964, where a woman coming back from work get agressed for 30 min screaming for help and no one around reacted, initial police report says there was 38 people involved in the close surrounding observing the scene,but no one intervine or called the emergency or the police.

The bystander effect explains

responsability in front of an emergency disovles when they are many people involved suddenly no one is responsible.

Share an idea to inspire or get people richer

You are a blockchain millionaire? Really? Here an idea to make your fortune more sustainable: invent the blockchain based solar pannel. You'll be rich by offering them for free to anyone to replace fosil energy usage and still can make money by selling the energy while assuming more social responsabilities... =D

Make a dumbass simple understable conclusion

Global community resilience is possible by making the global community assets perform in what they believe in.

Inspire others

If you have ideas to act against climate change and you are not Elon Musk, find the people who can get a benefit to change the thing, or just publish your idea to explain them how, help them if needed, you'll probably live longer on a fresh planet... and more happy! ;-)

This is my selection for today photo #contest initiated by @ace108.



All the pictures have been made with a canon EOS 600D by @jnmarteau in Vienna, Austria.

With a lot of love,

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