The Famous Last Words Of Free Individuals - "The Greater Good of The Greater Number" (Charlottesville Insanity)


Now a lot of the men and women (mostly men) at the unite the right protest on the alt-right side of the fence are in no way nazi authoritarians. A lot of the men and women (or one of the 5000 pronouns or lack thereof) on the leftist side of the fence were not communist authoritarians.

That does not change the fact that associating with nazis or communists for the so-called "greater good of the greater number" is in the end the famous last words of free individuals.



Reject these fools. These violent collectivist hounds of authoritarianism.



Individuals are being collectively played against each other. The civil war won't be won either way at this rate. It will simply fall into different forms of collectivist authoritarianism.


This divide and conquer agenda is playing out before our eyes. We fight each other and fall into the circular spectrum of extremes rather than fight the real enemy that drives us apart. We are the peasants to the state. We are pawns. We are losing ground and we are being sacrificed for the king and the queen.

Instead of fighting each other, let's reject AntiFa. Let's reject this co-opted alt-right movement that's turned towards another form of authoritarianism whether you think it's a better flavor or not. Let's instead stand as individuals and converse. Talk about issues. Open our minds. Don't blind ourselves with belief.


When people disagree, instead of throwing punches or calling names, let's give them a counter point.

When the media infuriates us with these polarized images one side or another, turn off your TV, go outside and have a real conversation with another human being! This is all meant to clash humanity with humanity.



Some will correctly point out, communists have killed way more people than nazis. Okay... So? So what? They both killed millions!

Some will say both nazis and communists are leftists. Technically true, but nazi is a word thrown around rather loosely these days and regardless of what your personal definition is of the word, or whether you'd rather call them fascist, they still sit on the circular spectrum. They both believe in vast coercion at the hand of the state and they're both incredibly alike!

I am disgusted by leftist belief. I think it's degenerate and coercive. I am disgusted by this alt-right belief because I think it falls into the previous and creates a circle. Instead of spitting on that which you are disgusted by, clean it up swiftly with the word of reason. Be the better man or woman. Swallow your angst and fight emotion with logic and if impossible, let live and move on to the next individual.

If we keep this divisive rhetoric up, we will simply kill each other as the true evils of the world laugh over a good glass of champagne and a shake of the hand.


I dream someday we will see this. I dream some day we will come to value freedom and not fight and kill each other for a different flavor of rule.

Thank you for reading. I had to get that off my chest.

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