Template Is Use To Post Photos

The template I use for my photos

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

I believe that a well selected and composed photograph is able to convey an entire story. For this reason I prefer to share most of my photos one by one. In high resolution and with additional background information. This also means the conversation can be just about that single photo.

I have created a template to make my life more easy and want to share this with the rest of you. Feel free to use and adjust it to your own needs and share your own templates and why you like them.

Template in detail

The template layout is basically three different sections:


# (enter image caption)    

Section #1: Here you put the caption to go with your image

[(drop image)](  (paste image url) )
<sup> *Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*</sup>

Section #2: Drop your image between the brackets [] and copy only the url, https:// , section and paste this between the () brackets

<tr><td>Category</td>(enter category)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Settings</td>(enter camera settings)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Camera</td>(enter camera name)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Lens</td>(enter lens name)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Location</td>(enter location)b></td>tr>


Section #3: This is a HTML table to make sure the information is neatly displayed on any device. Replace the texts between the brackets () with what is appropriate for your device.

Full template


# (enter image caption)    

[(drop image)](  (paste image url) )
<sup> *Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*</sup>

<tr><td>Category</td>(enter category)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Settings</td>(enter camera settings)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Camera</td>(enter camera name)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Lens</td>(enter lens name)b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Location</td>(enter location)b></td>tr>


Working example template

# Each jump only takes a couple seconds, so there is not too much time to focus on the ball
<sup> *Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!*</sup>

<tr><td>Category</td>sportsphotography b></td>tr>
<tr><td>Settings</td>ISO 4000 18 mm f/3.5 1/500</b>td></tr>
<tr><td>Camera</td>Nikon D7500a></b>td></tr>
<tr><td>Lens</td>Nikon AF-S 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G</b>td></tr>
<tr><td>Location</td>Amsterdam - The Netherlandsb></td>tr>

Working example

Each jump only takes a couple seconds, so there is not too much time to focus on the ball

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

SettingsISO 4000 18 mm f/3.5 1/500
CameraNikon D7500
LensNikon AF-S 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G
LocationAmsterdam - The Netherlands

3 columns
2 columns
1 column