📷 Travel Blog - Germany - Königssee - 11 pictures, 1 video

This trip in June 2016 to Berchtesgaden and its surroundings was a jackpot for eyes and soul. The water at Obersee was so clear, I drank as much as I could and couldn't resist jumping all in... just to be sure I didn't regret anything after leaving.

I didn't see any Adam and Eve enjoying themselves but this piece of land was the most beautiful place I was lucky to witness so far.

Here are some impressions

Ride on the KönigsseeIt takes 1 hour to cross the Königssee + a 1 1/2 - 2 hour hike to reach Obersee and a additional 45 minutes + 30 minute climb to get wet under the Röthbachfall - Germany's talles waterfall.

This giant lagoon is accessible with electric boats only.

It takes 30 minutes additionally to the hike to climb to the highest possible point without climbing gear.

Due to its unique seclusion the area is very clean and just wonderful to look at. I want to go back and spend more time exploring.

Also got some video footage

Thank you for stopping by

Best wishes!


This is a repost I did seven months ago - original

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