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Why I Open Carry

Since getting back into firearms and shooting – I have started open-carrying daily. It is part of my normal routine now. I use it as a conversation starter, and to protect myself from all the craziness in society. Luckily, Kentucky is a gun friendly state. When I lived in North Carolina…not so much.

One never hopes to have to ever use their firearm, but I will protect myself and family if the need arises.

Simply, I open carry because I can. I have free will. The 2nd amendment technically doesn’t give me the right to a firearm, it protects that right – which was given to me by my Creator. The 2nd amendment provides a way for “the people” to protect themselves from the tyranny of government. It allows the citizenry to bear arms and take back their government should it become corrupt.

Kinda sounds familiar, huh?

Sadly some school children are being taught that the founders were the first “terrorists”. Of course this isn’t true. And I am sure, if we were to rise up against the current oligarchy. we would be called terrorists as well.

I get a lot of younger adults aka Millennials that are offended at the site of my gun, or claim that I am breaking the law. Some are down right nasty and rarely take the time out of their busy unemployed schedules for to help educate them out of their ignorance.

Don’t take offense young friends, there are a lot you guys that are hard working contributors to society.

Here’s the statement from for Kentucky:

“Kentucky is one of our “Gold Star” open carry states. There is complete state preemption of all firearms laws, open carry is constitutionally protected with court precedent and law enforcement is aware of its legality."

So in short, that’s why I open carry. It’s only a matter time before a mass shooting incident comes our way – and I might be the only armed person around to save your life.

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