What we call "life". #Blog.

What we call life:

It's what you should enjoy, because as people say, there is only one. It can give you headaches, low blows but also gives you joy, happiness. The important thing is to know how to lead it. In my life there have been ups and downs, sometimes I am happy, sometimes sad. Annoy with life, sometimes I thank you for the good things.

There are moments where you don't understand what is happening, why at some point you are well, you feel happy, eating your life. But then there are other moments where you feel that nothing is worth, that why you happen to certain problems that do not let you see clear.

But as I said before, you have to understand it, bear it and don't let it fall us down.

Life is not bad, but not very good. It's half and half. Only you have to handle it well so that it does not overturn you and you also dominate it in that sense that is yours, of your property. That you are the one that manages it, and nobody else can do that.

How is your life?
Are you comfortable with it?


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