Adventures in Nemaland - Part 6

So tonight I did a lot of Terra-forming, basically all to have a nice view of the ocean, and to expand my castle some. I am really not happy with the current size of it. The most interesting thing that happened is Dolan, my pet duck on there, got loose and I had to chase him and block off any exits he could use to escape quickly. I got him back in his pen and collected some eggs, right before the stream was over, he layed an egg that gave birth to another duck. I call them ducks you can call them chickens if you want, but they don't look like chickens to me.

Warning the stream looks like shit... lol I am going to change the settings back to what I had before..

I will post the video still but its rather boring, its just me digging and removing tons of dirt, trees, sand and cobblestone. I carry on a conversation with myself as usual, try to talk to a few viewers, but they are rude and say nothing half the time. I used to get more viewers when I didn't speak, which is weird. Anyway enjoy the boring video,
this is the result of my efforts by the way. Pretty much the same as the thumbnail for the video once its done processing, but this is a much clearer view I think.

Also question for my readers, should I expand my castle out onto the new flattened lands or build a few small houses like a village?

I'm @kingarbinv and if you enjoy my articles please follow me for more.

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