One Of The Most Beautiful Places On Earth!

Today the children and I went swimming. This isn't a place you can find on a map and is known mainly by the locals. It's about two miles from my house and we visit often through the summer. The water was extremely high,because of the insane amount of rain we have received lately. If the water is down you can jump off the waterfall and the chilren can swim above the waterfall. That was not the case today, but we still had an insane amount of fun.

My son found a rock that looked like a fish and of course it came home with us. My daughter was begging to take her shirt off(she wants to be like her big brother) so of course that happened. I imagine her marching down the street when she gets older protesting decency laws in regard to women one day. The God Is Love grafitti has always perplexed me. If you are a believer in a God why would you want to mark the beauty given to us with grafitti? The trees growing out of the side of the cliffs have always been my favorite. One day I will repel these cliffs.

Without Futher are the pictures. I hope you enjoy.

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