Saturday morning mind wanderings...Is there a 'critcal mass' of technology for happiness...?

I am not as happy as I used to be. Everybody I know of has this same, or similar, feeling.
The 'base level' of 'joy' is not where it 'used to be', somehow - and everybody I have talked to about this, seems to be going through this same experience...


Being 'Red pilled' is the 'go to' reason for a lot of people. ( me included)... But is this just a convenient target of blame..?
'A great awakening' is a bit crap - if all it does is depress you...

If you actually think about it, it makes no logical sense to attribute these feelings of 'reduced happiness' to learning _ more_ about the truth in the world.
Finding truth's in life is a source of happiness - not a cause of less happiness...( or contentment. While not the same, they are close relatives).

So if being 'red pilled' is being blamed as the cause, but is not the cause , then what is..?

Anxiety of 'what is coming' may be the reason for this 'absence of joy', and this is a totally logical feeling.
'Red pill knowledge' brings with it a certain sense foreboding to me, ( and to others I know ) - of what seems inevitable.

And that is a conflict coming, in some form or other.

This may well be the reason for the psychological change within, but it is important to recognize the difference between the two.
The upcoming conflict is the cause and not the acquiring of truth ....

Which then leads to the 'Why?'

WHY is the upcoming conflict, causing such anxieties?
Mostly - if I had to hazard a guess, is that most of us are not that conflict orientated, and we all just want a quiet , happy life, and so anything that potentially disrupts this reality, will cause some anxiety, to one degree or another.

But is there a lot more to it, than just that? I think so....

While not conflict orientated, I'm not the type not to face up to a problem facing me. And there seldom any anxiety involved. Just the desire to bring any conflict to a conclusion, so there is no friction anymore.

Over anxious feeling's ( my own lack of joy is my own 'over anxious') do not make for efficient warriors.
Anxiety paralyzes and blinkers the person to external possibilities - and to seeing advantages that can be exploited..


And it is an emotional state that the enemy would love to be able to instill in their adversary..

What I see now in the world is a titanic battle going on. In some vague, but real , way..
I feel something BIG going on.. (from a spiritual perspective...?)

A battle of science v's religion? I don't know.
But I have my suspicions..

Science without integrity, (to hold oneself to moral and ethical standards) is as close to evil - in the material world - that exists.

Scientific (technological) advancement without integrity has led to virtually all the problems we see today - Even to the point of 'life sucking joy' that appears to be endemic in everyone at the moment...

Technology in the hands of those without integrity is the problem of today, and has been a problem growing exponentially this last couple of decades.

Technology in the hands of ' the technocrats' IS the soulless holding the choice of life or death over those with a soul.

'What has caused this lack of integrity in the scientific community? '

Capitalism is the easy target, but just like red pilling being the wrong focus, as so with capitalism.

Capitalism has existed throughout history, but this 'stripping of integrity' has not happened before, not in the same way.
Logically, it is not the reason.
It can be seen (mistakenly) to add to it, but is incorrect.

Socialism is the political expression of lack of integrity, for integrity is hand in hand with some spiritual compass ( a religion of some kind).
Socialism is the attention of the material world to satisfy the biological needs of the human unit. If everything is based on a material needs, without having a spiritual compass of 'something bigger than man', then a technocracy in some form can only ever be the logical result.
The technocrat then becomes GOD, then becomes the ultimate authority.

And technocrats are the soulless.


Without human psychology having a reference point to being smaller than something else (god..), then the human being becomes egocentric.
Humility is a pointless emotion if you know you are the ultimate power.

Integrity is lost, as moral dilemma's are not the same without a 'higher power' existing in your psyche, as a constant 'background hum'.

The respect - and acknowledgement - of a higher power 'keeps things moral'. There is no wriggle room for losing your own integrity.

Darwin's evolutionary theory allows for the possibility of the divine to become redundant.
And once redundant, it can then be expunged from the mind.
And in expelling integrity, contentment also.

And in that vacuum - science has now taken it's place. And a science god is a cold, empty, god....and joyless...

I'm not religious, as such - but by discounting the reality of god (call it what you will, but just think of it as in 'some higher power'), also discounts the concept of humility, and moral compass.

...I have been looking very closely at my own psychological journey, and the time I stopped 'laughing' quite as much as used to (inner joy)....
...and that time occurred with technology (computers), taking up more and more of my time. Coincidence?
I don't think so..

Technology has been taking more of the only asset I own. Time. (the only asset that any of us, ever, truly own..)


Looking at the current problems in the world - in spiritual terms - then if there is some cosmic battle going on right now, then the 'evil' would surely dance in joy - as the human being becomes less joyful.

And if the technocrat is the embodiment of evil, any explosion in technology that leads to a human being becoming more emotionally negative in real life - then it would be a logical decision, to promoted this technology like there was no tomorrow....

Because there will be no tomorrow for those with a soul, if the 'evil ones' are successful...

....' I've seen a million happy dreamers, but not many happy cynics'...

Science from the heart, and spirituality through the brain is the only option we have....

If the scientist, and the intellectual cannot think through the heart , they do mankind no benefit...
..and are best not to have any influence in the affairs of man..
For they are not men... They are the soulless. They are evil, as I perceive it...


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