Ø2. 100k Downloads & A Nightmare Man

A lovely big pair of moons.

Øutput 2

It's Monday morning.

I'm halfway between excited at the prospect of a fresh week and terrified of the crazy amount of work I've set myself to do. But I'm sure it will be fine. I think. I just gotta tick a couple of things off the list every day and I'll get there.

Also, what a nice way to start the week. Our podcast - The Other Stories - has just hit 100,000 downloads this morning. What a great way to end the first six volumes of the show.

So last night I woke up in the middle of the night at the sound of some man shouting a my front door. It was late, or early, I couldn't tell. I looked out the bedroom window to see the man's face obscured by his hoodie. He was shouting to 'let him in' and banging his hand on the door.

I had no idea who this man was and I had no intention of letting him inside and the thought struck me that I might have left the back door unlocked.

So I jumped out of bed and headed down the stairs. As the door shook in its hinge and the man's shouting grew painfully loud I suddenly woke up.

Just a weird nightmare.

My heart was pounding and I had to get out of my bed to really check that all the doors were locked. By the time I got back into bed I could hardly get back to sleep. My mind was racing, worrying about what would happen if someone got inside. What would I do? How would I protect Cat and Oscar?

I'm not one for nightmares but there must be something about moving to a new house that's got my subconscious on protection overdrive.

Maybe I need to start keeping a baseball bat beneath my bed or something?

I think I've found my writing soundtrack for my current novel - They Rot. It's a wonderful collection of creepy atmospheric ambience and old Scottish folk songs that was the soundtrack to Ben Wheatley's A Field In England.

A new story idea every single day.
Check out the previous ideas here

IDEA 103: The Somnambulant Man

Forever drifting between the world of sleep and wakefulness, the somnambulant man forever loses track of his days. He drifts to sleep all the time due to some heavy case of narcolepsy that puts him into a state of sleepwalking.

I'm not quite sure where this idea would go, but I was thinking that perhaps when he's sleepwalking he's actually walking through some other dimension - The Land of Nod - or something along those lines. Maybe he wakes one day to find a murdered body in front of him and he finds the body's spirit in the land of nod and has to find her to ask who killed her because as it stands it looks he like he did it.

Not so sure about that one. Needs work.

Profits made from this blog will go right into my ramen fund. Any more will go right into any future storytelling projects.
Oo oo ... go grab a free book!

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