Ø3. The Many Homes Theory

Home sweet home.

Øutput 3

So we have a TV in our house.


It does the job, but it's only got the one channel.

I reckon all we need to do to access the whole world of TV channels is to 'scan' for them. Only problem is, we can't do that as we don't have the remote control for the thing. It was a gift from Cat's grandma for our new place.

And we don't have broadband until the 20th, so here we are, stuck, with one channel.

So after I'd bled my brain dry and reached 58,363 words of the novel, I decided to zone out to our one channel.

And you know what?

I was kind surprised to find myself enthralled by what came on. It was some little documentary about the different homes that Janet Street Porter (UK journalist) has lived in. It showed the cool loft conversion flats in London, the homes she built herself with medieval battlements, a swanky glass house with Elton John's old kitchen worktops, and a peaceful country retreat in Yorkshire.

Each and every home brought its own character and its own history.

I'll be honest, I never cared about Janet Street Porter but seeing her reflect on her life in the many homes she lived in struck a chord with me.

It made me think about all the places I've lived, the memories I've banked, and the memories I'd like to bank today, and in the future.

I like our new house. I love the idea of spending a couple of years here, but then where to after that?

That's the problem with being a child who moved a lot growing up. You never quite feel at home in any one place. The horizon is your home. The where-to-next? is your home.

I wonder if one day I'll find a place and I'll decide that it's going to be where I spend the rest of my days, but I seriously doubt it.

I'm sure I'll always have those itchy feet that keep me moving.

None of that matters anyway. It's all about enjoying what you have at any given moment. Being grateful for what you have.

And right now I love my TV with its only-one channel.

What I'm reading

Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit by Steven Pressfield.

“But of everything I learned, the most important lesson came at the beginning, on the very first day of my very first job. The lesson was, “Nobody wants to read your shit.

A new story idea every single day.
Check out the previous ideas here

IDEA 105: I remember reading a children's book about a house with feelings. The little girl living there would slam the doors and not tidy up and eventually the house got up and left and she had to get it to come back. It was sweet.

I'm imagining a similar sort of story but based on modern living for adults.

So what about a story where we show the progression of the various places a young couple live -- the student flat that can't stop partying, the tiny apartment that is always cold, the parents' spare room that's too full and doesn't let you do anything without giving you unwanted advice, the leaky house that's old and forgetful, and then eventually they move into their perfect house and it's like the third member of the family.

Profits made from this blog will go right into my ramen fund. Any more will go right into any future storytelling projects.
Oo oo ... go grab a free book!

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