Ø9: Never do a headstand to prove a point

"Oh, deary me."

Output 9

Yesterday morning, Cat woke up and complained about a stiff neck. She said she slept funny, couldn’t turn her head, said it was painful.

I said, ‘Yeah, well you did sleep funny.'

And like a goon I thought it would be funny to demonstrate how she slept. Not how she really slept. But in a funny way. As a lark.

I placed my head on the pillow, took a deep breath, and kicked my legs up into the air.

"Like this?"

Yeah, that's the one.

Anyway, the ... humorous ... joke was that she'd slept in a headstand and that was the cause of her neck pain.

Well, as I kicked my legs into the air and put all of my weight on my head, I felt something in my neck pop, and now I’ve got the exact same neck pain that she has. Can’t turn my head. It’s painful. And now we’re both sat next to each other, eyes straight forward, unable to move.

Never again.

I swear when I was a kid I could do these things and be completely fine. When did I become so brittle?

This week I'm working on ...

Now that we've finished the first drafts of PROJECT DAN, I'm going to spend the week catching up on various bits of admin, story planning, and a little bit of editing. We've got a 7-day story challenge coming up next week. We're going to be writing 5x short stories in 7 days. I'm excited, but I'm hoping to get a bit of planning in before jumping in.

I'm listening to...
Valtari by Sigur Ros.

A new story idea every single day.
Check out the previous ideas here

IDEA 111: A post-apocalyptic race set in the Scottish highlands. I’m imagining a serious wacky races, through a zombie-infested, beautiful landscape.

I’m imagining that this is years after the post-apoc event. The sixth race of its kind. It’s a race of honour and redemption. People bring whatever motors they can find and build, and make their way over the wastelands.

It’s dangerous and a lot of people die, or get lost.

But the prize is salvation. A life of legend.

I’m imagining a beautiful, literary novel, all about the beauty of the race and of giving your life to something great.

Profits made from this blog will go right into my ramen fund. Any more will go right into any future storytelling projects.
Oo oo ... go grab a free book!

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