Stranger in a strange land

“Thinking doesn't pay. Just makes you discontented with what you see around you.” ― Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

Feeling little alien?

Who are you? Imagine yourself being placed in a black, glass box without a way to echo off the environment around you. Stripped of all the things, ideas those not yours, people and influences. Remainder is essence of you? We are constantly bombarded with information, collective knowledge and ideas and some that we find pleasing we adopt. We echo off of each other. Place someone else with you in the box and you will soon find yourself changing in some ways. One can truly get lost if forgetting to study the essence of what you believe makes you you. Capture those moments when you feel the most authentic, powerful and strong, and study them.

Speaking of are jellyfish watercolors I made week ago: 

 My only, real encounter with jellyfish on coast of Baltic sea


Song of the day: ZAYN, Sia - Dusk Till Dawn
Thought of the day: Being sick two times in three weeks is not very fun
Tiny happiness of the day: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches 

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