Is it Possible to live off the land?

We are in the process of building an eco-community, a group of families with common interests and goals wanting to live a much simpler, freer life without mortgage and energy companies breathing down our necks.

All three Families have long since left behind the constraints of living in big house with even bigger bills and opted for life on wheels, we have all lived together on an eco-campsite in England for a few months, so we are pretty sure we can all get along and make it work, but is it really possible in this day and age to truly live off the land and be 100% self-sufficient?


I know for sure that in the Amazon and other parts of the world that haven't been colonised or industrialised that this is a reality, but is it possible for us lazy westerners, who rely so much on machines, technology and money to be completely off-grid.?

I am not sure if we can 100% go back to the way we all lived before the invention of money, but being self-sufficient and living off the land in connection with nature is absolutely possible, and is happening all over the world, the @gardenofeden is a shining examlple of how this is achievable even for "lazy" westeners

Before starting out on this quest to build our sustainable utopia I was massively over worrying about how much work it would be, and how it would all be possible, but the closer we get, the more I realise it's just a case of simplifying our lives to the point where we really don't need to worry anymore.

We, humans, have massively overcomplicated our lives to the extent where we don't even have time for our families anymore,
Is it really that important to have the cars, big houses and 50" TVs, when all we really ever need is food to eat and a roof over our heads.?

Enough is enough, it's time to get simple!

Follow us on our Quest to build a sustainable, simple life for our families, because nothing else really matters.IMG_20170605_155103.jpg

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