Our Quest To Find or Build an ECO-COMMUNITY


Imagine the World where sharing and caring were the only currencies.
Before money, we all lived in communities, working together as a single organism, everybody within this community had a purpose, a worth.

This has long since been wiped out by the invention of money, with money comes greed and the illusion of the self, thinking that the self is the most important entity and forgetting that we are actually all connected and that we really need each other to survive.

The Community can only survive with everyone working together as a unit, money changed all this. You could not survive on your own before money came along, now you can just buy your own survival.


The problem with replacing the community with money is MASSIVE, and it is staring us all in the face.
Crime, poverty, alcohol and drug abuse, obesity, suicide and self-harm, greed, the list's go on and on and on and on..........

There is a giant void, this empty whole within us that we all fill up with T.V social media, alcohol, shopping for kicks, but these are just temporary fix's, and always leave us yearning for more and more.


Is there any other way?
I believe so, and that is why we sold it all to go on a quest to find or build our own community, four years into our quest and we are getting closer to realising this dream.
There are many so-called eco-communities out there, but I think a lot of these are just set up to accommodate for the rise in eco-tourism, I believe this because when we contacted these so-called communities they all seem to be put off by the fact that we have kids. A community needs children.

So we are now in the process of setting up a community for Families. On our travels, we have come in contact with many families looking for the same thing, all we need now is to find the land, rule number one, the land has to have its own water source, that's the only rule.
We have been looking in the south of Spain, and the other families have been looking around Portugal and Spain.

We think one of the Families might have found a great opportunity in Portugal, so finger crossed and watch this space.
In a few months, we will hit the road again in our tinyhouse truck and this time we are not coming back!


Follow us on Steemit, on our Quest to find or build an Eco-Community for families,
and when it's all set up come and visit or even join.


Peace and love to the world

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