The Government Want's our Child, Which is Why We Are Going On The Run.


We had a phone call today, the one we have been dreading for six years, this is the deadline by which you have to turn over you children to the state. We knew this day would come, which is why we have been slowly preparing for our exit strategy, our escape from the clutches of the Swedish government.

Ever since our first child was born we knew that would never send them to school, but we also knew that it's illegal to home educate your children in Sweden.

What is One to do in this situation? we adore Sweden and would so love to carry on living here when we are not out travelling, but sending our children to school goes against everything we believe in, it would break our hearts to have to send them off to school to be programmed, to have their individuality wiped clean away, their self-esteem knocked out of them and their dreams crushed by the government's agenda to make all kids competitive, anxious, consumer sheep.

Nope, it's not gonna happen, captain!!! Not on my watch!!!!
So that is why in September, we leave Sweden for good.
The thing is they want Marley to start school before we are planning to leave, so for a month and a half we will be fugitives in our own country, ducking the social services, and all the fines that the women on the phone today said will come for not sending our Marley to school.

Our Marley


We have heard stories of families being stopped at the airport trying to leave the country, so we do take this seriously and tread with caution.
The thing is, we have the upper hand, we don't live at our "address," we live in a separate location in our tinyhouse truck, "so good luck with that one you vultures."

Yes we are sad we have to leave for good, but when one door closes, a whole new world opens up, if you have been following us then you will know that in September we go to Portugal in our tinyhouse to meet up with 2 other families, and together we will purchase a little patch of green paradise on which we will start our eco-community.

And they all lived happily ever after.


Follow us in our tinyhouse truck on a journey of a life time


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