Steemit WORKOUT!

Today's workout!

Today was focused on arms.
Normally I do deadlifts on Saturdays but another thing that must be learnt is listening to your body.

I haven't fully recovered from my last back session so improvise. Change days around, or even have the day off.

I always start with low weight high reps. Warm up!


Arms are a very simple muscle group to train.

4- 5 exercises per muscle group, 12-16 reps.

I like to do both rep ranges;

  • low number with heavy weight (50%)
  • high number with low weight. (50%)

Our arms are used daily in various movements so they're very adaptive to exercise making them hard to grow with this method you shock them.

Changing the way the bar or dumbbell is held also changes up the muscles movement and range ensuring they are exhausted when you leave the gym.


  • Flat bar curl (bar)
  • standing hammer curls (bar)
  • seated concentration curls (Dumbbells)
  • barbell curl (Dumbbells)


  • Close-Grip Bench Press.
  • Dips
  • Triceps Extension (Skullcrusher)
  • Triceps Pushdown.


Like anything if you feel like you haven't done enough repeat a few exercises!

Let me know how you go!!

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