This is the one book that changed my life the most... wait, before i tell you, let me tell you about this Challenge.

It was started by the amazing and genius @nobyeni. you can read her original post here. Aim of this challenge is to learn more about your fellow steemians and what book influenced their life the most. Reading is important and education as well - so let's share the wealth of our knowledge with others and inspire them.

To be part of this, follow these simple Rules:

  • start your post title with the word "BookChain"
  • use "OneBookToRuleThemAll" as a keyword
  • write about the book that changed your life the most
  • nominate 5 other people
  • mention these rules in your post
  • mention other posts from this challenge in your post (add link list at the end of your post)

The one true Love

It's actually not that easy to select any one book that i would call my most influential, because there are so many. From "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" over "Effi Briest" to "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner". From "Punishment and Discipline" over "On the spiritual in art" to "The Virgin Way".

But the one i want to select for this Challenge is "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert

big magic small.jpg

This is not a novel, it's not a self help book, it's not a biography, it's not a philosophy. But at the same time, it is all of these things. She writes about her personal experience and angle on being creative, doing something with your life, having no fear. A very warm and approachable way, that invites you to make it your own. At no point in the book does she promise anything or ask you to just do these simple 5 steps and become a millionaire tomorrow. Because being creative is not about money or about you. It is about helping ideas getting seen. Helping ideas becoming a real thing that others can enjoy. Treating ideas like good friends, that you want to invite, help and support on their ways. If you do that, they will stay with you and become your best friends. If you leave them hanging, they will move on and neither of you got to feel the love and laughter of a good friend.

Forget fame for a minute

And that is a good rule for everything we touch. Especially on Steemit. Forget about the money and fame for a minute. Do it because YOU want to create something that means something to you. Do it because you want to help people on their way to being creative. Because, after all is said and done, i believe that what counts most is how many people we touched, helped and inspired. Yes, i like to get rewarded for my work, but i care more about the comments and the views - the connection to other people. Learning from each other. Which is also the main aim of this Challenge and the reason i love it so much.

me, me me, you?

"Big Magic" also showed me that i am not a good person. I try to, but it is hard not to care about the wrong reasons. It's so easy to stay a child in once mind and say "i want", "i need", "i deserve". And ever so often on social media "i disagree", "i hate", "i dislike". Change is not about telling people what is right and how they are wrong. It is about creating beauty in a harsh world and sharing it with others.

Burning Man

"Big Magic" showed me something that is very important in life: That it is all about giving. If everyone gives a little, all are provided for. And that is something i found on Steemit and at regional Burning Man events: The culture of gifting. The most important part about that is to give without expecting to get anything back. Give because you mean it, do because you want it, create because you care.

Ok ,ok, i'm getting too preaching - open the windows, let out some of that sticky steam. What i wanted to say is: Big Magic is a book that is worth reading. You will find your own way into it, and it might mean something totally different to you. Just read it ;)

i nominate

---> if you are not in this list but want to be part of this, you can still just do it on your own. Follow all the rules, post and invite others.

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