The Bright side of Life πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ

In our lives we come across all different types of people and situations from who we get all sorts of learning. What matters most is how we implement these learning's in our lives and move ahead, cause in the end that’s what life is all about. If we only keep them for information sake and never implement it then the whole experience of life becomes very shallow.

We have our aspirations, dreams, wishes, desires and we want to make it big in Life in some or the other way. We have our Goals, Ambitions, which would want us to deal with people & situations, that will be negative and positive.. Everyone has the ability to achieve it but what is the most important thing is the path we take for achieving it and the attitude we show all the way.

The right positive attitude and thinking makes one focus on the bright side of life. A person with a bright and positive mindset will always attract happiness, health, goodness and success in life, and will have the capability to overcome any obstacle. But at the same time if we keep feeding our mind with negative energies and think negatively it will lead to stress, worry, anxiety, depression which can also lead to all sorts of physical problems. People with health problems find it difficult even to deal with day to day activities.

Image Source: Pixabay

Do this spend your one whole day completely without any worry, anger, fear, anxiety, spend the day by just being calm and cheerful taking the day as it comes, see the difference in your overall health at the end of the day and even the next morning when you get up.
And you can also do the reverse and see the effect of it on your body.
Automatically your body will start giving signals in some or the other way. Specially the abdomen, that’s the first body part that gets impacted.

Our obstacles do not define our success, but how we face them and the reactions we have to our obstacles defines our success. It will not always be that the end result will be just the way we thought of and we start putting excuses to justify the failure. Our obstacles should not become our excuses for failure. But if we look at it the other way, every hurdle gives us learning and strength to move for the next one.

Image Source: Pixabay

The Gap between β€œWhat Is” and β€œWhat it can be” defines the problem we can look at working out.

We keep finding happiness in big things, we feel only when I achieve this or that I will be happy, in the bargain we tend to overlook the finer aspects of life. Life is in details hence if we only have the macro view then we will be living life at the surface. Simple pleasures will be more satisfying and joyful then one big display and then boom.

When we keep connecting the little dots between all these simple moments, life seems to be more fulfilling and satisfying.

Image Source: Pixabay

Don’t spend days in any kind of regrets. Let life happen. Don’t spend your time for things that don’t hold importance and does not matter. What seems to be grave today, will be laughed off tomorrow. The most important thing is your happiness. Intentionally create and build up on thoughts that makes you feel good, brings in comfort and smile.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

"Every day you get one more chance to change your life."

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